Acute pancreatitis refers to acute inflammation of the pancreas and is a potentially life threatening condition. Imaging is often required to not only confirm the diagnosis but also to guide treatment.
The demographics of patients affected by acute pancreatitis reflects the underlying cause. Causes include:
alcohol abuse: most common cause of chronic pancreatitis
gallstone passage/impaction: most common cause of acute pancreatitis (up to 15% could develop pancreatitis)
metabolic disorders
hereditary pancreatitis (autosomal dominant) SPINK-1 gene mutation 5
hyperlipidemia (types 1 and 5)
trauma : most common cause in children
blunt abdominal trauma
endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) 7
penetrating ulcer
pancreatic adenocarcinoma
viral: mumps, coxsackie, hepatitis, infectious mononucleosis, AIDS
parasitic: Ascariasis 5, Clonorchis
pancreas divisum
scorpion bites
spider bites (some)
idiopathic: 20% of cases of acute pancreatitis
drugs: steroids, tetracycline, frusemide, azathioprine, thiazides, L-asparaginase and many others
cystic fibrosis
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) 4
haemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS)
Reye's syndrome 6
Clinical presentation
Acute pancreatitis is generally diagnosed clinically. Classical features include 3:
gradual development of severe central epigastric pain (over 30-60 min)
poorly localised tenderness and pain
exacerbated by supine positioning
radiates through to the back in 50% of patients
Elevation of amylase and lipase are 90-95% specific for the diagnosis 3.
Signs of haemorrhage include:
Cullen sign - periumbilical bruising
Grey-Turner sign - flank bruising
There continues to be debate over the precipitating factor leading to acute pancreatitis, with duct occlusion being an important factor, but neither necessary nor sufficient.
Mechanism not withstanding, activation of pancreatic enzymes within the pancreas rather than the bowel lead to inflammation of the pancreatic tissue, disruption of small pancreatic ducts and in leakage of pancreatic secretions. Because the pancreas lacks a capsule, the pancreatic juices have ready access to surrounding tissues. Pancreatic enzymes digest fascial layers, spreading the inflammatory process to multiple anatomic compartments.
pancreatic fluid collections (collections of enzyme-rich pancreatic juice)
acute: resolve spontaneously in 50% of cases; may be intrapancreatic, anterior pararenal space, lesser sac, or extend anywhere in the abdomen, into solid organs, or even into the chest
in the remaining 50% of cases, these fluid collections progress to pseudocysts
pseudocyst formation
a round or oval, encapsulated pancreatic fluid collection encased by a distinct fibrous capsule
requires at least 4 weeks to develop
about 50% will spontaneously resolve, whereas the remainder will require catheter or surgical drainage.
liquefactive necrosis of pancreatic parenchyma
morbidity and mortality increase dramatically when necrosis is present
may become secondarily infected (emphysematous pancreatitis)
abscess - peripancreatic abscess
vascular complications
haemorrhage: resulting from erosion of blood vessels and tissue necrosis
pseudoaneurysm: autodigestion of arterial walls by pancreatic enzymes results in pulsatile mass that is lined by fibrous tissue and maintains communication with parent artery
splenic vein thrombosis
portal vein thrombosis
fistula formation with pancreatic ascites: leakage of pancreatic secretions into peritoneal cavity
Radiographic features
Role of imaging is either to clarify the diagnosis when the clinical picture is confusing, to assess severity (Balthazar score), to determine prognosis, or to detect complications.
Imaging studies of acute pancreatitis may be normal in mild cases. Contrast-enhanced CT provides the most comprehensive initial assessment, typically with a dual phase (arterial and portal venous) protocol. However, US is useful for follow-up of specific abnormalities, such as fluid collections and pseudocysts.
Abnormalities that may be seen in the pancreas include:
typical findings
focal or diffuse parenchymal enlargement
changes in density because of oedema
indistinctness of the margins of the gland owing to inflammation
surrounding retroperitoneal stranding
liquefactive necrosis of pancreatic parenchyma
lack of parenchymal enhancement
often multifocal.
infected necrosis
difficult to distinguish from aseptic liquefactive necrosis
presence of gas is helpful
FNA helpful
abscess formation
circumscribed fluid collection
little or no necrotic tissues (thus distinguishing it from infected necrosis)
high-attenuation fluid in the retroperitoneum or peripancreatic tissues
Contrast-enhanced MR is equivalent to CT in the assessment of pancreatitis.
May be used to monitor patient's progress:
diagnosis of vascular complications, ie. thrombosis
identify gallstones
hypoechoic lesions may indicate necrotic change
Treatment and prognosis
Prognosis for acute pancreatitis varies according to severity. Overall mortality is 5-10% per attack 3. Ranson's criteria are useful in prognosticating.
The newly revised Atlanta classification system makes the scene for a new international classification system, trying to uniform reporting for both clinical practice and research 8.
Treatment is largely supportive, often requiring ICU care in severe cases for respiratory and cardiovascular support and careful management of glucose, calcium and fluid balance.
Ultrasound or CT directed aspiration biopsy may be needed to confirm the presence of pancreatic abscess. Image-directed catheter placement is an alternative to surgical drainage of pancreatic fluid collections.
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